Of the two writers, some critics assert that Steele is the worthier. Steele’s working alliance with Addison was so close and so constant that the comparison between them is almost inevitable. The Plebeian is Steele’s most famous political journal, which involved him in a dispute with Addison, whose death in 1719 frustrated Steele’s attempt at reconciliation. He started The Tatler in 1709, The Spectator in 1711, and several other short-lived periodicals, such as The Guardian (1713), The Englishmen (1713), The Reader (1714), and The Plebeian (1719). It is as a miscellaneous essayist that Steele finds his place in literature. In places, his plays are lively and reflect much of Steele’s amiability of temper. Indeed, Steele’s one importance as a dramatist rests on his foundation of the sentimental comedy, avowedly moral and pious in aim and tone. They follow in the general scheme the Restoration comedies but are without the grossness and impudence of their models. Steele wrote some prose comedies, the best of which are The Funeral (1701), The Lying Lover (1703), The Tender Husband (1705), and The Conscious Lovers (1722).

Two years later Steele received a captaincy in a foot regiment.

Steele first served him as private secretary and then became an officer in Cutts’s regiment in 1697. In 1695 Lord Cutts, to whom Steele had dedicated a poem on the funeral of Queen Mary, became Steele’s patron. Both Steele and Addison went to Oxford, Steele entering Christ Church in 1689 and transferring to Merton College in 1691. In 1684 he began attending Charterhouse School, London, where he met Joseph Addison. He was placed under the guardianship of his maternal uncle, Henry Gascoigne, who was secretary and confidential agent to the Duke of Ormonde. Steele’s father, an attorney, died in 1676, and his mother died the next year. The exact date of his birth is not known, but he was baptized on March 12. He was born in Dublin, Ireland, in March 1672. Papers may be theoretical, interpretative or experimental.Sir Richard Steele was an Irish writer, playwright, and politician. Thus high quality research papers or reviews dealing with any aspect of environment are welcomed.

These include but are not limited to environmental science, environmental engineering, environmental management and planning and environmental design, urban and regional landscape design and natural disaster management. International Journal of Environmental Research publishes original research papers, research notes and reviews across the broad field of environment. In pursuit of these, environmentalist disciplines are invited to contribute their knowledge and experience. International Journal of Environmental Research is a multidisciplinary journal concerned with all aspects of environment. Therefore, current submission system is being closed. This is to announce that IJER has been publishing by Springer since 2017.